Insights Ofcom publishes update to its previous consultation on proposed annual licence fees for 10 GHz, 28GHz and 32GHz spectrum

In July 2022, Ofcom consulted on its proposals for the level of annual licence fees for 10 GHz, 28 GHz and 32 GHz spectrum and on the draft Regulations to implement them.

Ofcom proposed:

  • to set a national annual licence fee of £7,568 per 2 x 1 MHz for 10 GHz spectrum and £4,576 per 2 x 1 MHz for 32 GHz spectrum;
  • to set regional annual licence fees for 28 GHz spectrum based on a national rate of £4,576 per 2 x 1 MHz of spectrum;
  • that the proposed annual licence fees would apply from 21 February 2023, with an option to pay across ten equal monthly instalments; and
  • to align the regional annual licence fees previously set in 2015 for 28 GHz licences awarded in 2000 with the regional annual licence fees we are now proposing to set for 28 GHz licences awarded in 2008, including the payment dates, so that a single regional fee applies for 28 GHz spectrum awarded in both 2000 and 2008.

In response to the consultation, one stakeholder identified that there were duplicate entries in the input data that Ofcom used to calculate the proposed fees. The error led to an overstatement of the number of fixed links in Ofcom-assigned bands. Ofcom has therefore published an update to:

  • restate the number of fixed link licences in Ofcom-assigned bands (which were used as inputs to the Model), with duplicate entries removed and confidential links included; and
  • restate the proposed regional 28 GHz licence fees from its consultation, using the national fees proposed together with the restated fixed link licence numbers referred to in the update.

Ofcom is still considering responses to the consultation and has not reached a final decision on the level of either national or regional fees. The regulator’s decision on the level of fees applicable to 10, 28 and 32 GHz spectrum will take into account the revised and updated numbers in the update document, along with responses to both the consultation and the update. The deadline for responding is 12 January 2023. To access the consultation and the update, click here.