Insights Phone-paid Services Authority announces new administrative charges to apply when Code 15 comes into force

The PSA has announced a revised set of administrative charges, which will apply once Code 15 comes into force on 5 April 2022. Administrative charges are applied to Enforcement cases that have been adjudicated on. The administrative charges that will apply from 5 April 2022 are as follows:

Hourly Executive rates

  • Investigations Executive                                                £135
  • In-house Counsel                                                           £170
  • Market Intelligence                                                        £95

Fixed Executive rates

  • Investigations Oversight Panel                                     £440

Code Application Panel (CAP) & other panels

  • Tribunal hearing                                                             £4,200
  • Single Legally Qualified CAP Member Hearing        £1,400
  • Oral Hearing – half day                                                 £2,485
  • Oral Hearing – full day                                                  £4,970
  • Interim hearing withhold                                               £925
  • Interim hearing suspension                                           £925
  • Review of interim measures                                          £925
  • Application for review (application fee only)             £420

To read the PSA’s announcement on its website, click here.